Who we are
The MaaSLab is an enthusiastic multidisciplinary research team looking to keep at the forefront of the ever-changing transport sector. Springing from the Urban Transport and Energy Group at University College London (UCL), MaaSLab aims to keep interested individuals updated on news about MaaS, new mobility services, and cutting edge research findings. We also provide in-depth insights and guidance about MaaS to industry and public sector.
Our expertise
MaaSLab’s research focuses on new mobility technologies for passenger and freight, such as autonomous vehicles and drones, new mobility concepts, such as Mobility as a Service and Urban Air Mobility, and their integration with the existing transport systems (multimodality). MaaSLab’s expertise lies on four main topics:
Behavioural demand modelling and social acceptance: survey design, advanced data collection tools for social research, stated preference experiments design, behavioural demand and choice models, willingness to pay.
Business models: research regarding the penetration of the new mobility technologies and concepts in the market, the operators of these technologies and concepts, the value creation, product design and pricing, the costs and profits.
Data: harmonisation of multimodal data and development of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for safe exchange of data across different modes; big data handling; data ethics.
Multimodal transport modelling and simulation platforms: integrated spatial and transport modelling platform for evidence-based decision making; machine learning and optimisation algorithms for multimodal operational platforms; algorithms for multimodal simulation platforms used for scenarios testing and planning.
Our collaborations
Our activities, approaches and aims synergise with the low carbon and smart cities vision. We also work closely with the public sector and private companies to transfer our research outcomes to the real world. Indicatively, we collaborate with public and private organisations, such as:
UK Department for Transport (DfT)
Transport for London (TfL)
Transport for West Midlands (TFWM)
Transport for Greater Manchester (TFGM)
Transport Systems Catapult
UCL CASA (Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis)
MIT ITS Lab (Intelligent Transportation Systems)
Singapore–MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) Centre
University of the Aegean – TransDeM Lab
University of Naples – Transport division
What is MaaS?
Check the MaaS Dictionary for the definition of MaaS and the MaaS actors: Download the dictionary