Meet our Team
The MaaSlab is one of the leading research teams on new mobility services gathering cutting edge innovative knowledge and insights for use in mobility services design, transport planning, and policy. Researchers from different disciplines, such as transport modelling, data and computer sciences, mathematics, and economics merge their powers to deliver cutting edge research regarding the technology, the data, the business models and the demand management needed for the digital era in the transport sector.
Research and Academic Staff
Maria Kamargianni
Professor of Transport & Energy
Transport modeller
Maria is the Head of MaaSLab. She is an expert in the MaaS concept. Her work mainly focuses on MaaS product design and pricing, demand and supply analysis, and business models. She has extensive experience in consumer choice modelling, big data handling, survey design and transport modeling. She is a Professor in Transport & Energy at UCL Energy Institute.
Manos Chaniotakis
Lecturer in Transport Modelling and Machine Learning
His research focuses on modelling and simulation of transportation systems, including conventional and emerging transportation systems, demand modelling, and machine learning in transportation.
Jishnu Narayan
Research Fellow in Transport Modelling
Jishnu’s research focus on transport systems modeling with a focus on planning and operations of public transport and emerging mobility systems, their dynamics with users (demand-supply interactions with equilibrium models), crowd behavior modeling (wayfinding/route-choice and evacuation modeling), and the application of such models to make transport systems more efficient and sustainable.
Travel Modeller
Research Fellow in Transport Modelling
Position to be advertised soon
Andreas Schafer
Energy Demand Modeller
Andreas is Professor of Energy and Transport, previously Director of Research at the Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources, and a Visiting Professor at Stanford University. He is an expert in energy demand for transport.
Sridhar Raman
Software Developer
Sridhar is a software developer. He has extensive experience in the urban mobility domain building mobility-related apps and handling big data. He has a software engineering background having worked in the industry for more than 12 years. He is a Research Assistant at UCL Energy Institute.
Kuba Muscat
Demand Modeller
Kuba's expertise focuses on modelling demand for transport. His work centres around big data, new mobility services and sustainable transport. He has a background in economics and planning and is currently a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute
Dimitris Pappelis
Demand Modeller
Dimitris’ expertise focuses on modelling the dynamics of travel behaviour for demand forecasting within a new mobility services environment. His work is based on machine learning (ML) techniques, Markov decision processes (MDPs) and dynamic discrete choice models (DDCMs). He has an engineering background with plentiful experience on optimization modelling and is currently a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute.
Ann Dowling
Transport Policy Analyst
Anne’s research centres around public policy development and standardization of implementation of new mobility services. Her background is in program management and functional solution architecture design for public transport technologies, working in the industry for over 15 years. She is a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute.
Weijian Xu
Demand Modeller
Weijian’s expertise focuses on analysing travel behaviour developments and forecasting travel demand based on new mobility services. He has a background in transportation modelling and big data analysis and is currently a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute.
research Management
Georgia Kouta
Research and Business Development Manager
Dr Georgia Kouta is the Research and Enterprise/Business Development Manager of MaaSLab at the Energy Institute in UCL. Prior to joining MaaSLab, Dr Kouta has professional experience in Academia, Government and Private Companies. She is instrumental in bringing together academia, industry and government departments effectively, by facilitating and contributing to the development of stakeholder relations and collaborative networks. Georgia is skilled in Public Affairs, Communication, International Relations and Research Management.
Past Associates
Dr Melinda Matyas
Senior Research Associate
Demand Modeller
Melinda's expertise focuses on analysing and modelling the demand for Mobility as a Service. She works on big data and GPS traces analysis, and smartphone based travel survey tools connecting and exploiting open API information. She has a background in economics and is currently a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute.
Lampros Yfantis
Research Fellow in Transport Modelling
Lampros acquired his MEng and MSc degrees from the University of Thessaly, Greece, in 2015 and 2016 respectively, specializing on transportation systems and industrial operations research. In 2017, he was awarded with an EU H2020 PhD scholarship and joined the MaaSLab team at UCL Energy Institute, where he initiated his doctoral research on Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS). The main focus of his PhD lied on simulation-based assessment of MaaS systems using agent-based models with a particular emphasis on optimal operations for service integration and travel recommendation strategies. Along his doctoral studies, he was a key contributor in proposal submissions for EU grants, including two successful ones, i.e., the GECKO and HARMONY projects. In 2018 and as part of his doctoral studies, he shortly joined the MLSM group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), where he conducted research on multimodal network modelling and journey planning methods for MaaS platforms. In 2019, he worked as a Research Assistant for the EU H2020 HARMONY project leading the project’s Scientific and Technical co-ordination and management. As of 2020, he is working as a Research Fellow in Transport Modelling and MaaS for the HARMONY project, focusing on agent-based models for new mobility systems
Dr Ping-Jen Kao
Research Fellow
Business Models Researcher
Ping-Jen is a research fellow in business model innovation. His research revolves around the themes of business model innovation, service innovation, intelligent mobility, marketing strategy, and online consumer behavior. He received his doctoral degree from the Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
Yuerong Zhang
Research Fellow in Transport Policy
Yuerong Zhang is the Research Fellow at MaaSLab. Her main research interests include: 1) Sustainable and resilient transport planning, 2) new mobility technologies and services, 3) Spatial and social network analysis in urban studies; 4) travel behaviour analysis; 6) Travel patterns and urban structure and 6) Data visualisation.
Luciano A. Pana Tronca
Research Fellow in Transport Policy
Luciano specialises in providing policy recommendations to Public Sector for the advancement of mobility services and urban air mobility. His research interests convey the governance and strategy of innovation linking urban and transport planning and climate change. He has collaborated with POLIS in the Topic Guide Planning for more resilient and robust urban mobility.
Fangqing Song
Research Fellow in Transport Policy
Fangqing Song is a Research Fellow in Travel Behaviour Modelling at MaaSLab, UCL. Fangqing completed her Ph.D at the Institute for Transport Studies and Choice Modelling Centre at University of Leeds. She is specialised in experimental design and applying advanced discrete choice modelling techniques to understand choice behaviour. She mainly works in the field of new mobility, but is also interested in health. She is currently working on the public acceptance of green aircraft and mobility tool ownership modelling.
Visiting Affiliates
Richard Goulding
Business Analyst
Ricky's work focuses on preparing cities for initiating Mobility as a Service schemes by exploring several aspects such as data openness, transport operators openness, infrastructure integration and citizens' openness to new mobility concepts. He has a background in Geography and Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment.
Katerina Kampouri
Transport Engineer
Katerina's expertise focuses on transportation engineering, urban and regional planning and development, transportation planning, design and construction of road pavements. She has a background on Matlab software modeling and is currently an Erasmus+ placement student in Maaslab.
Rita Saviano
Management Engineer
Rita’s expertise focuses on management engineering. For her MSc dissertation she works on forecasting bike travel demand and developing an optimization model for free floating bike relocation operations. She has a background in operations research and logistics and is currently a MSc student in Maaslab.
Weibo Li
Demand Modeller
Weibo's expertise focuses on modelling transport mode choice behaviour using big data, forecasting transport demand and developing urban mobility solutions. He has plentiful research experience in big data handling, fusions and analysis. He was a Doctoral Researcher at UCL Energy Institute.
Dimitris Dimakopoulos
Data Scientist
Dimitris is a data scientist. His areas of expertise are big data handling and storing, cloud computing architectures, open data architectures and platforms, machine learning and open source entrepreneurship. He was a Research Assistant at UCL Energy Institute.
Professional Services
Dr Georgia Kouta
Research & Business Development Manager
Dr Georgia Kouta is the Research and Enterprise/Business Development Manager of MaaSLab at the Energy Institute in UCL. Prior to joining MaaSLab, Dr Kouta has professional experience in Academia, Government and Private Companies. She is instrumental in bringing together academia, industry and government departments effectively, by facilitating and contributing to the development of stakeholder relations and collaborative networks. Georgia is skilled in Public Affairs, Communication, International Relations and Research Management.